DIY Vest Kit

DIY Vest Kit

from $40.00

Our goal was to design a way for students to wear a weighted vest and appear to the casual observer, that they were not wearing anything special. We will weight a vest that we purchase (see Weighted Vests) or you can purchase a kit that has everything you need to weight your own existing lined vest or one that you find in the store.

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Each kit comes complete with weights, 4 for the fronts, 2 for the back and 2 for over the shoulder. The kit also includes sewing supplies and a seam ripper (to get into the lining of the vest, as well as complete directions. You supply the vest. The weights are washable poly pellets, all new materials. You may order, 2, 3, 4 or 5 pound kits. The sewing supplies and seam ripper may vary. You may choose dark or a color for the over the shoulder weights. These are the only ones that show inside the vest, using our method. The weights may also be whip stitched onto the lining.

Your kit will also include directions with photographs to make your own weighted vest! Please choose 2, 3, 4 or 5 pounds. Additional weight sacks, 1/4 pound each are available for $2 each. These can be slipped into pockets to fine tune the weight of the vest.

Weighted Vests are designed to calm children with autism, ADD, SID and ADHD. Weight is often used to assist the child to self-calm and relax so that sensory stimulus can be processed. The use of a weighted vest provides the child with unconscious information from the muscles and joints.

Children who are easily distracted, hyperactive and lacking in concentration respond positively to the additional weight or pressure a vest provides.

US shipping is free. Buyer pays for international shipping. Expect delivery in 1 to 2 weeks